
How To Buy A Flat Without The Help Of A Real Estate Broker

Quite a few real estate buying and selling transactions are made in a year without involving a real estate brokers in the business. Hiring an agent requires a lump some amount to be paid for carrying out the deal by the buyer. Sometimes the seller too needs to pay some amount to the real estate agent in this business. Some buyers especially those buying a real estate for the first time do not trust real estate agents and may seem to be tired of them. At times such feelings may be proven true if the agent is interested only in closing the deal and not interested in the deal. But, this is not the case with most agents. There are certain risks involved in working without an agent, which however can be overcome. All the paper works have to be done by the buyer himself/herself. Negotiations have to be done and many more such works. However a few things kept in mind will help a buyer make a nice buy without a real estate agent.
  • Pre-approval mortgage: Once the mind is made to buy a flat it is necessary to be pre-approved for loan. It would not be certainly possible for anyone to offer full cash for buying a flat or house under normal circumstances. A pre-approved mortgage will ensure how much amount one is liable to get. This will help in making the deal in future while making an offer and negotiating with the seller. This secures the financing part. This will also provide assurance to the seller that there is back-up for the offer and that the buyer is a genuine buyer.
  • Search for flat on sale: Now a search for the flat of your choice should be made. There a wide range of sources to search from. There are real estate magazines to look into. Those on sale by owners should be considered as the deal is going to be carried out without an agent. Then there are the newspapers who publish advertisements from sellers in both real estate sections and classified sections. Some real estate websites online provide advertisements with great details and are really good sources to rely on for flat buying. Lastly, one could take a tour at desired localities to search for flats on sale.
  • Contacting the owner: This is a short but nevertheless a very important step. The owner is to be contacted once a flat has been targeted. It is necessary to talk to the seller and clear all doubts that arise in the mind before seeing the flat. After the talk make an appointment for viewing the place.
  • View the flat properly: Once the talk is over it is time to make a complete tour of the place that the buyer wishes to buy. It is really necessary to see the place in person. The place could be visited on the own or the seller or listing agent could be taken along with for making the tour. However if the listing agent is asked for accompaniment make things clear beforehand regarding the pay. He might expect the pay that was supposed to be paid to the agent not hired in this case.
  • Look for an attorney: A real estate attorney is a must while buying a house or flat even if an agent is not required. This attorney should be hired before the dealings have gone too far. It is better to hire one as soon as the choosing and contacting the owner of the flat is made. The attorney will be essential in making the final deal and as soon as the paper works start. For verifying legal matters and the authenticity of the whole transaction an attorney of real estate is necessary.
  • Offers and negotiations: Once the right flat is chosen according to the desire it is time now to make the offer. Let the offers be made in clear terms without keeping any grey areas. The offer should be less than the listing price as the seller would not require paying the buyer’s agent as there is no agent involved in the whole dealing. Make the negotiations wisely until an agreeable term is reached. Make sure that all contingencies are included in the negotiation. It will save the buyer’s money if the deal falls for any reason. Everything should be put down in pen and paper. The legal attorney’s help should be sought in the matter.
  • Inspection and appraisals: The inspection procedure comes up next. The buyer needs to be present in both of these along with the real estate attorney. Since an agent is absent the listing agent could be cajoled into take some extra effort.
  • Contract and closing: After so much hard work it is time to close the deal. The attorney should check and review everything properly before the signing work begins. There might be quite a lot of papers to sign on the part of the buyer. The seller requires some signing too. Let everything be put down in writing. The mortgage will be processed and the deal will be closed and the flat finally belong to the buyer.

Buying a property is not impossible or difficult without the involvement of a real estate agent. There are myths flying everywhere regarding the cons of buying houses and flats without hiring an agent. These are only myths and one must look beyond these if serious buying of flat is in mind of a person. The secret is to know the tactics of real estate purchases and the legal matters by heart and soul. This knowledge would never let the buyer be deceived in any way. It would also not require hiring an agent and thus prevent paying extra that is the agent’s due. Involving an attorney is a must however. The simple guidelines given above would certainly be beneficial for an aspiring buyer of a flat to undergo a deal with courage, especially for first time buyers. Be courageous and be independent.

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